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Friday, May 12, 2006

Chapter III: The Dream as Wish-Fulfilment

Originally uploaded by kristalynn.

i had a dream last night that jon stewart and i were best buddies. we hung out every day before his show, goofing off and giggling. we also saw movies and got absorbed in conversation.

he was a great listener. he thought what i had to say was valid. he looked at me intensely with his green eyes (the pupils had a darker ring around them). we sat by open windows with the sun streaming in.

and then i woke up. i was in a wretched mood the whole day.

"i know dreams like that," a friend said. "true happiness until you wake up."


At May 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you notice if he was wearing pants?

At May 18, 2006, Blogger David Howse said...

That's always the problem with having "sweet dreams" - waking up with the mixed emotions of just having had a visit in paradise and then the bitter disappointment of having the face another day of cold reality. There must be a way to bring the two situations closer together.

At May 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...'s called "champagne"

At May 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a perfect dream like that once that a man at a party had given me the keys to visit his house a couple of streets over, and his house turned out to be in Oxford, which turned out to be by the sea, and the house was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, and there was a sunken garden, with a stone wall that looked out over a grassy cliff that went down to the sea, with the water crashing, and in the garden, with topiaries and herbs and a sundial, you could rest in stillness and heard the surf rolling, and crickets and the wind. It was perfect. I go there in my mind when I do yoga and it's time to meditate.

At May 18, 2006, Blogger sass said...

do not mistake this dream for a "night passion".

my "night passions" tend to include a cast of characters with bad toenails, newscasters, and lucy liu.


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